Waiting for Paul Krugman

Steve here, reporting back for duty. I want to extend heartfelt thanks to Chad and Christy for the superb work they did filling in: I know it was a burden.

Even speaking as a Paul Krugman junkie (I’m reading The Conscience of a Liberal as we speak), I’ll confess to feeling a little irritation over his not so occasional slams on my preferred candidate, Barack Obama. I’m forced to admit, however, that Krugman did draw blood on one occasion a while back when he chastised Obama for coming a bit too close to advancing right wing talking points on Social Security.

Using right wing talking points is, indeed, an unpardonable offense for a Democratic candidate.

So, I’m looking forward to reading Krugman’s next couple of columns (the next one is due up in a matter of hours) to see what, if anything, he has to say about the Clinton campaign’s wholehearted embrace of the granddaddy of all right wing talking points: the one that accuses liberals of being elitists who are out of touch with average people.

(AP) Obama’s remarks give Clinton an opening

A political tempest over Barack Obama’s comments about bitter voters in small towns has given rival Hillary Rodham Clinton a new opening to court working class Democrats 10 days before Pennsylvanians hold a primary that she must win to keep her presidential campaign alive.
Obama tried to quell the furor Saturday, explaining his remarks while also conceding he had chosen his words poorly.

“If I worded things in a way that made people offended, I deeply regret that,” Obama said in an interview with the Winston-Salem (N.C.) Journal.

But the Clinton campaign fueled the controversy in every place and every way it could, hoping charges that Obama is elitist and arrogant will resonate with the swing voters the candidates are vying for not only in Pennsylvania, but in upcoming primaries in Indiana and North Carolina as well.

*  *  *

At a campaign rally in Wilson, N.C., former state Democratic Party chairman and current Clinton adviser Tom Hendrickson said rural voters don’t need “liberal elites” telling them what to believe.

Bill Clinton was the featured speaker of the rally but avoided commenting on Obama’s remarks. When asked about it afterward, he said simply, “I agree with what Hillary said.”

(my emphasis) 

Well, how about it. Paul? It’s clear you’re a Hillary backer. That’s your right. But are you also an equal opportunity smiter of Democrats who use right wing talking points?

I guess time will tell.

2 Responses to “Waiting for Paul Krugman”

  1. Again Says:

    I’ll confess to feeling a little irritation over his not so occasional slams on my preferred candidate, Barack Obama.

    guess, i am on the side of Krugman

    Even speaking as a Paul Krugman junkie

    guess also, that you aren’t a Krugman junkie just because he looks so nice…

    so - did you ask yourself what has changed to make you think different? Maybe he didn’t change his mind?

    “Newsweek has learned that Krugman’s outspokenness [was] the main reason the Clinton administration didn’t offer him a job.” Krugman says he would not have been interested in such a job; he told Newsweek, “I’m temperamentally unsuited for that kind of role. You have to be very good at people skills, biting your tongue when people say silly things.” Paul Krugman

    “temperamentally unsuited…biting your tongue when people say silly things”

    for me, that’s crucial for understanding Krugman - he is an independent soul with an independent mind, he loves to think on his own and therefore - can’t be a supporter of leadership, just think of the title “Self Organizing Economy”

    OTH, Obama is a savior - his speeches are full of religious wordings, his audience yearns for a leader to turn the wheel of change back, is eager to follow him wherever he may go (or another song: “Somebody save me…don’t care how just save me….I’ve been waiting for you to save me”)

    i guess, Krugman must feel alarmed, consciously or unconsciously

  2. Larkrise Says:

    I am hopeful that Obama’s views have changed as he continues his campaign and meets with the voters. Unfortunately, past history has shown us that politicians ameliorate their views to get elected, then reneg on their promises. If Obama is truly the Change Candidate, he will not do this. I am going to vote for him in the Indiana Primary. I think he has made a few mistakes in this State. One is limiting his audience, when the venues will hold more people. For example, he spoke at Jefferson H.S. in Lafayette. The Gym would hold 6,000, but he only allowed in 2,500. It was not for security reasons. He wanted a question and answer session. This fosters the accusation that he is elitist. His campaign is also organizing township groups. Yet, when I went to register for the initial meeting, they had restricted the attendance to 25! And, with no follow-up for additional voluteers. Not smart. His campaign depends on the small donations from the ‘little people.” Well, the “little people” want to see him. His remarks about bitterness didnt help. They were taken out of context, (as usual) and misused by Hillary and McCain. However, many people believe he was insulting small town America. He and Michelle need to watch their words and inferences far more carefully. Apologizing wont stop the Repugs from videotaping every utterance and using it in the general election. Religion and the damned guns are hot button issues. Nominees must tread carefully around them. They need not be disingenuous, just careful. That may not be fair, but it is a fact. The Repugs have used those issues quite successfully in the past; and will use them again and again. They should not be given ammunition on a silver platter. As for Social Security, I do not want to hear about putting any of those monies into the greedy, corrupt hands of Wall Street and investment bankers. Just look at the mess we are in because of those creeps and crooks!!! I dont trust
    Hillary because of all of her ties and money dependence on lobbyists, special interests and the likes of villains like Rupert Murdoch. Ah well, it wont be much longer now, and PA and IN will have their say. Part of me remains skeptical about any politician. I’m too old to believe in Santa Claus.

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